On Campus Placement and Your Strategy
On campus placements, interestingly around 42% of total fresher’sget hired by various industries. All India Council for Technical Education states thatin 2016-17,the On Campus Recruitment was 38% while in 2017-18, it was 42%.This growth offers a great opportunity for students to choose from the type of industries they want to work for. Also, organizations get a chance to select the bright candidates, who can increase the productivity and contribute to their business.
Employers choose candidates based on their requirements and how selected candidates would be an advantage or revenue for the organizational development. Employers try to know candidates from their mark sheets, academic and non-academic certifications,cover letters, resumes, profiles on professional network, your test and interview performance.
Know the strategy to get selected in the On Campus Drive.
Sample Strategy:
Image Building:You have limited time in face to face interview, so the efforts you take to create a pre-hand image can become a foundationfor good discussion in the interview. Image building is a slow process; consider it as an important activity-and try making efforts towards it for a better performance.
Interview Readiness: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, latest researches of your field, innovations by the companies who are offering campus recruitment, are some of the key points you should keep in mind while going for F2F round. The details of your project and its outcomes;what interests you about the company you want to work for;their work culture; for all these questions, you should be ready to give applicable answers.
Distinguishable Characteristics: Showcase your unique qualities developed during college, which might be useful in current and future job search. Listening skills, communication, problem analysis, creative solutions, and natural adaptability or any such quality that can help you in professional areas - can be mentioned during the discussion.
Experience: Share your internship, part time job or work experience with skills in similar or even other jobs and convey your learnings and achievements.Skills you have developed in this short experience can help you perform better in your next employment. Your plans for growth in career should sound enhanced with the experience.
Teamwork:The companies look for team players and not just individual growth focusers. Every job requires people who are supportive and creative to lead the company towards its mission.
Professional Network: Your presence ontheprofessional network, the details mentioned there, and the companies you follow, all these make differencesduring profile screening by HR.
Keep in Touch:You are not reporting to each other and may be you do not have a likeable equation but still it’s important to remain in touch. You can do things together like dinner, study, a walk, or anything to suit common interests.
Fresh graduatesneedto conduct a deep research for the right kind of jobs as they struggle to find the relevant one. You have a wonderful opportunity at the doorstep of your college, where you cangain the knowledge and prepare enough for the tests, group discussions and interviews.
Being yourself, sharp observation, understanding of what is asked in interviews and replying in consideration with the thoughts that align with the company’s values and work culture help you hit the track.
You have a bright future and the right opportunity at the campus placements; make a strategy that defines you.
Win the chance of working with your dream company.